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Logon History not showing for suspended accounts


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Hi today we had a user with a suspended account.  However I was unable to see their logon history until I unsuspended the account.

Should this be the case?  If not I'd like to request this functionality please.

It would be more secure if we had the ability to check for any suspicious logons before unsuspending an account. 


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Hi @Steve Giller,

I had the 'All Accounts' option showing.

I have since tested this and I can only see the account's logon history if I enter the exact login ID.  The history does not seem to appear when entering the full name or the Employee ID.

Having said that I have now tested on a test account and cannot see any logons for that account even when using the login ID. 

Is there a limit to the timeframe that shows e.g. is it logons in the last xx weeks/months etc?


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My User ID, Login ID and Employee ID are all the same, so I cannot confirm which it's filtering by, but the filters are working as expected after 2 characters (as shown on the screenshot above)

The history on my Instance goes back to 14 Nov 2023 but I've not looked into whether that's a set timeframe or not yet.

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@Steve Giller

This is what I see when I enter the first two letters of the firstname of the user in question (gi):



If I enter the first two letters of the logon ID I then get results - but not necessarily just the user I am searching for.

In our instance there are some staff where all three logon ID, User ID and Employee ID can be different.

For our staff their employee ID does not work in the search bar at all.


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I wouldn't imagine that Employee ID would work, as a lot of Customers do not even use that. Having tested, the displayed value is Login ID and that is the one that is being filtered on.

For multiple Users with similar Login IDs the filter is working as expected for me:


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