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User getting this message: "Your organizations subscription level for this application has been reached"


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The number of Collaboration Users is irrelevant when the message is stating you have too many Service Manager Users.

The most likely reason is that you have granted a Service Manager Role to the User logging in, and you already have 75 Users with Service Managers Roles so the login is blocked.
You'll need to review your Users, check them all for SM Roles, and check the Admin->Service Manager->Users page for any Users who may have been manually assigned as a SM User.

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@Steve Giller. I did indeed find we had a User with SM permissions who was not showing the list in Solution Centre when they had SM perms.

I suspect we ended-up here because there is a delay between adding the user's SM roles to their profile and them being counted in the list of fully licenced users in the Solution Centre. I'd given access to someone then checked the numbers (not checked before adding the first) and seen 74/75 in use to proceeded to add another; which would not have worked. Because the user then didn't use it for a month, we've only just found out!

So the learning point for others here is that there's a delay before the action of granting an SM Role counts as an additional licence consumed in the Solution Centre; and the system does not stop one adding SM Roles even when licences are exceeded.

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Hi @Berto2002

The actual "delay" is based on when the user logins next.  If you have just assigned a role to a user and that role contains some rights to Service Manager, when that user next logs in, there will be a check done and the user will be automatically assigned a subscription.

There is a setting called subscription.application.allocateOnLogin that enables or disables this feature.

If you don't want to wait for the user to log in after assigning the role, you can manually assign them to the subscription user list under the Service Manager configuration.


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