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Unable to scan QR code


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I had the Hornbill mobile app installed and setup, but hadn't used it for a while, and now it's prompting me to setup again. I've followed the on-screen prompts but it won't read the QR code. I've checked with another android mobile and the same thing happens. I'm not sure if the problem is with the QR code generated when you add device, or whether the mobile app is broken, but I suspect it's the former as normal camera on the mobile doesn't read the QR code either.

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Hi Steve, I have just tried again and still no luck. I can scan other QR codes with the same phone, but not the Hornbill one, it just doesn't find anything in it. For your information, the mobile is a Nokia 5.3.

I have therefore got around this by generating my own QR code with the required information, and my phone read that instantly and I'm now setup. 


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