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Assign missing on Actions when selecting multiple tickets


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A colleague has reported that the ability to assign multiple incidents to themselves via the Actions button has disappeared recently.

When I select one incident in the request review, the "Actions" pane has an "Assign Request" button, but if I tick multiple incidents in the request view and click on "Actions", the "Assign Request" button no longer appears.

Has there been a change to the system that would affect this? Is there any rule around what tickets can be assigned in bulk and which can't (e.g. if they're not in the same service or something like that)?

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@CraigP so I think they have to be the same service and request type to be able use the multi action icon.

You can change this setting in the admin section I think, to be able to select different request types and services etc, but you would need to check with Hornbill about what affect this may make to your instance.

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Thanks Jeremy, I do recall toggling the appropriate system setting a while back to allow for the Actions button to appear if you select multiple incidents across different services. This isn't that the Actions button itself isn't there, rather that the assign button within the Actions section doesn't seem to appear when selecting multiple incidents.

However, I think this thread can be ignored now. Looks like it was my own doing as I made a change to the business process last month to lock out the assignment before a certain stage in the process. I was being told differently at first, but upon further investigation it seems all the affected incidents are the ones at this stage in our incident process.

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