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Unable to locate the new setting portal.allowGuestSelfRegistrationOrgSetting to enable org list in Customer portal self registration

Adrian Simpkins

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Hi All,

I have taken a look at the new configuration to allow us to offer the org list on self-registration for our external customer's, but I am unable to find the setting portal.allowGuestSelfRegistrationOrgSetting in the system? I can see a new option to turn on in the customer configuration but enabling this I can see it is trying to offer a list, but no list data displays. Is this correct?


(Apologies I still could not find the Customer portal forum section so have posted this to the Employee section instead)

Many thanks



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Hi @Adrian Simpkins

Enabling the setting portal.allowGuestSelfRegistrationOrgSetting is equivalent to checking the box next to "Allow contacts to select their organization as part of online registration".  The actual setting is not accessible through the system advanced settings.

I'm possibly getting the same as what you are experiencing where the Organization field is empty, and it's not clear how to get this populated.  I'll see if I can find out more for you.



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Hi @Adrian Simpkins

It seems that you have to go to the Organization form and enable this field.  Each individual organization has to have this enabled for it to show in this pick list.



I would question why one would want to do this.  You would be exposing a list of the organizations that you support to anyone that finds your site and tries to register.  

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Hi James

Thank you for taking a look - much appreciated as always.

We are planning on using the Organisation they belong to to set their Service subscription. Currently we have around 7 external organisations who need access to one of our services, and currently just use a subscription of 'All Contacts' as all these org's currently require access to this same service. However, we are looking to expand the portal for other services so want to be able to target service subscription by Org rather than All Contacts. If we do get someone from a certain org registering they should only see the services that are available to their org so incorrectly raised requests would be minimal 

Many thanks

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