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Requests->Request Total Onhold Time (Bit weird)

Mark (ESC)

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Might of discovered an issue with the "Requests->Request Total Onhold Time" value, or could it be my understanding.

Ticket opened at 06/06/2022  11:46:14
Ticket resolved at 07/06/2022  09:52:11

Placed on hold at 06/06/2022 17:36
Taken off hold at 07/06/2022 09:48

The Requests->Request Total Onhold Time is showing in seconds as 58319s, which works out to be just over 16 hours.

Working Time calendar is set to start at 8:00, and close at 17:00, so really the on hold time should be just under 2 hours.  8:00 to 09:48. :wacko:

Question is if ticket was place on hold outside of the Working Time calendar should the on hold time be showing that many seconds.
From my understanding the Request Total Onhold Time should be from 8:00 to 09:48 which is when the ticket was taken off hold.

For context, the Requests->Request Resolve Time for context is 19058s which is just over five hours, which is correct, taking into account clock stops at 17:00 and starts again next day at 08:00.

This only seems to affect tickets placed on hold outside of the Working Time calendar.


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@David HallThanks for the clarification.

If I wanted to know the age of a ticket in seconds from being opened to resolution, which 'Requests-> field' should I refer to.

Interesting that a ticket placed on hold during the Working Time calendar is correct with regards to accurate on hold time, but placed on hold outside of the Working Time calendar does not mirror that value.  

Is there way to stop tickets being placed on hold outside the Working Time calendar ?

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