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HOW DO I: Create a report to show Full Users and Collaboration Users


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I would like to run a report on licenced users that shows a Full user ( agent) v Collaboration User (limited)  in what area would I need to be in Administration and against which entity does this report need to run.


Thanks in advance. Simon Adams  

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@simonadams you can do it in admin tool in Service Manager Section (have a look at the breadcrumbs in the screenshot). No entity for this type of report. Steps to create report that counts the number of users licensed as full and as basic:

1. New report, choose a name and select report type of "Simple count of data" and using "SQL Schema Designer"


2. Click on "Data Collection" tab. In here the only option available at this time is "Select Table". Search for h_sys_accounts and select it (Add Table)


3. A new tab opens "Select Columns". In the columns list, navigate to Class. Click on it and then on Select Columns(s) button to add it to the list


4. A few more tabs now open, first of them the "Select Filter". Set up a filter like in screenshot (we need all records having a class = 1 or class = 3)


5. Now in "Select Ordering" enable the "Count" option for the column


The report configuration is complete. You can go to "data Preview" to check the config is correct and see what data it returns. Class 1 is Full Users, Class 3 is Basic Users. You can have an alias for this comun configured in the "Select Columns" tab if you don't like the name Class.


Remember to save the report before navigating away (you will be prompted if you haven't done so).


If you need a report to show you each user of what class they are (a list of users basically), then:

a) in "General" tab change the report output type to "Single list of data"
b) in "Select Columns" tab add the User ID (and/or name and any other column you want in the report)
c) in "Select Ordering" tab disable or do not enable the "Count" option

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