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Notifications for responses on requests

Michael Sharp

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Hi @Michael Sharp

There is a setting in the Service Manager Notifications (Admin --> Applications --> Service Manager --> Applications Settings) called guest.app.requests.notification.allowUserDefinedNotificationType



If you enable this, every Analyst will have the option to define their own Service Manager notifications (including the type they get for various updates to tickets).

Once enabled, each analyst will need to go into their profile (by clicking on their image in the top right corner of the user app and clicking the cog). 




Then, if they click the Notifications Tab and scroll down to the bottom they will see Service Manager specific settings:



They can then simply toggle on and off whether they want to recieve Hornbill Notifications, Email Notifications or Both. 

  • An Owner Notification refers to what they get if they updated ticket is assigned directly to them
  • Team Notification refers to the updates to tickets that don't currently have an owner

(For example, some people want an email notification for tickets that are assigned to them, but might feel that having an email notification for all unassigned tickets in a team they are members of is too much, so this gives them the granular choice). 

Hope this helps


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@Michael Sharp that's odd. Assuming you have the Hornbill Notification enabled, and the Email Notification turned off, this might be because of one of the following:

  • You have updated a ticket that you are the owner of with your own account - Hornbill is clever enough to know if someone is updating their own request, and if so, will not send ANY notifications. When you give it a test, ensure that someone else updates your ticket (e.g. a different customer updating a ticket from the portal, that is assigned to you)
  • You may have the ticket itself open in another tab. If that's the case, the notification will immediately disapear because it assumes you have seen it. Make sure none of your open tabs on the browser have the ticket open when you test

Could either of those be the issue?

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@Michael Sharp No I don't believe so - again Hornbill knows if you are the one who has applied it and you are the request owner, so it won't send you a notificaiton. Admittedly not great for testing, but hopefully saves an annoyance when it comes to day to day work :)

My usual mechanism for testing would be to create a test Basic User, and log into the portal with them (using the Hornbill Direct Logon button now available). Log a test ticket, assign it to yourself, then have the test customer add an update via the portal. This should at least prove the new settings work from that update mechanism.

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@Michael Sharp would you mind providing a screenshot of your settings in your profile and the request the email update was applied to?

Also a couple of other questions:

1) Were you recieving both forms of notification for "Email Updates" to tickets before you enabled the above setting?

2) Have you been able to try portal update notifications and see if they work?

Kind Regards


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