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Request Search Functionality


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Hi All, 

I'm aware this has been asked in the past and have previously been told this is being worked on, but wanted to just post here to have this in writing.

The search functionality in the top section makes life hard, the results that are returned seem to be in a very random order and aren't filterable once searched.

Obviously works fine if you know the ticket ref, but without that you have to resort to creating a custom view, likely to capture ALL tickets, with multiple filters to attempt to find what you might be looking for.



One great thing about Hornbill is that whole teams can refer back to older tickets, such as if a rollback was required on a change and the primary contact wasn't available, but this obtrusive search makes that very task frustrating.

Are we doing something wrong, IS there a better way, or do others have the same issue?

Best Regards


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@Adambingley If you click on the arrow next to the Search icon you can filter the search by Type, Owner, Status etc which should reduce the search results to manageable levels.  As you say improvements are being worked on but I  find that filtering the search in the manner described helps. 

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On 8/20/2020 at 9:14 PM, James Ainsworth said:

Hi Adam,

My "go to" place for searching is the advanced filter on the request list.  So many options to find just what you are looking for and it keeps you in the context of the request list.  It works the same as a View but without the need to create a View.


Thanks for this - It's what we currently do.

It would be nice if you could just search without creating rules from the filter, rather than having to specify searching in the summary, description, raised by etc etc.

Usually an issue if you are looking up to see if a member of the team has answered a similar ticket, a fuzzy search against all tickets against a keyword would work much better for this.

The top search bar seems to have this feature, but it just shows results in a random order which isn't useful at all.

This has cropped up multiple times in the past 18 months where work has been replicated unnecessarily when staff had not being able to find older occurences.





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