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Search for requests - No results found


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Hi There, 

Several of our Service Manager users are having issues using the search function - the main search for requests as well as the search from the link icon. 

Searching for the ticket reference or a text string in the ticket summary or description is returning no results, even when the user has permissions for the service etc. and can access the ticket from the request list or by amending the URL.

Screen prints of an example: 

Search requests:



Search from link icon: 


Ticket exists and I can access it: 



I can't think of any config changes we've made recently that could have caused this. Is anybody else experiencing this issue? 



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Hi Luke,

Thanks for your post.  

Do you know if this is happening for all tickets?  Are some found but not others?

The search functions use Indexing to provide search results and in some cases we have seen some corruption in the Index file which may cause some tickets from not being found.

Information about re-indexing can be found here. Be sure to read about the different types of indexing.  Re-indexing All can take a significant amount of time depending on how many tickets you have in Hornbill.  We would normally suggest that this is done out of hours.  The index that you will be looking to re-index is called hornbillitsm

I hope this helps,



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks James, 

Sorry for the delay, I've been out of the office. I've run a re-index with the new option and still don't get a result for the example I screen grabbed. 

Speaking to colleagues it seems to be hit and miss so I'll kick off the full re-index at close of business today and see how it goes. 



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Hi Again, 

So I was actually wrong about the first example I had, IN00101488 was being returned after the first rebuild for new records (typo when I searched) - but checking some newer tickets they were still hit and miss for being returned. I kicked off a rebuild for all last night for hornbillitsm and we've still got some new tickets failing to be returned by search today. 

Does somebody need to investigate our instance next? I can raise a support ticket if needs be. 



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@Luke when performing the 'All' reindex did you leave the page size at its default value?  If so it may not have completed.  Setting it to the max value specified in the index storage wiki link provided by James would see it complete quicker, with a trade off in overall performance so that should only be done out of hours.  If the problem persists feel free to raise a request with Support.

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Hi Dean,

I set it to 1000 and checked on it running in background processes periodically. It was going for about 2 hours then disappeared from the list. I'd assumed it completed but if there's a chance it fell over I can start it again with 25,000 for the page size tonight. 



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