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Creating Customer Surveys using survey monkey and Hornbill


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We have thousands of customers which dont have the portal or use it so we dont get many people using the inbuilt hornbill feedback system. Is there a way to link survey monkey or another 3rd party survey system so that when we send out the resolve email the link includes the call ref? If not I guess I could use one of the fields as the ref number.


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Hi @chriscorcoran,

This is already doable, using a combination of SurveyMonkey Custom Variables and Hornbill Email Templates, as long as your SurveyMonkey subscription allows for the use of Custom Variables. The link added to the email template would look something like this, where requestid is the name of your custom variable in SurveyMonkey:





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Hi @chriscorcoran,

The value that you're passing to the H_pk_reference parameter from the Hornbill email template should be:


So the URL in your email temlplate would be:


The curly braces and full stop wrapper injects the call reference in to the template.



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