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I'd like to use a List of Counters to count how many times a request has been assigned for the first time to a different team on a daily basis (all requests that are not first time fixes). I think I need to join h_itsm_requests with h_itsm_request_team_assignment, but can't see a way of using a join on a COUNT in List of Counters. Is this possible please? I'm still new to this, so any help would be much appreciated.

Many thanks,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @Bob Dickinson,

I managed to get around this by doing a count on all the requests logged today by the Service Desk minus all requests resolved today by the Service Desk, which gave me a number and it seemed to add up. Not sure if this is correct or not! But yes, the counter should only be live for today, and then reset back to 0 at midnight.

There is something else that I would still like help with if that's okay please?

Thank you very much,

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