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Inserting a stage into the BPM flow


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Is it possible to insert a stage from a template between two stages in the BPM designer?

Example: I currently have Stages A->B->C and a template D

Is it possible to insert D between A and B so you get A->D->B->C

Currently any stages I add from templates appear last in the flow so I would need to make templates from B and C, then remove them, add D, and then add B and C from templates again.

It takes some work so I just want to know if there is a shortcut.


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@HHH apologises if i have misunderstood but i believe all stages are injected at the end, but you can then move them into the required position using the process designer.

1. Add your template stage to the process. 

2. Click on the Menu button to show the Stage info (Notepad)

3. Use the arrows in the top right to move the stage back or forth in the stage order


Hope this helps, please let me know if i have misunderstood


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