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Automate account creation with PowerShell


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Hi all,

I may have asked something similar before, but is it possible to execute a PowerShell script (similar to the one linked below) with a BPM following the submission of a new starter request? Can the information within the new starter request be passed through to PowerShell, e.g. Firstname, Lastname, etc.


Thanks in advance

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@dwalby there are certain cloud integrations which you can achieve through the use of the Hornbill iBridige, this includes passing through and creating user accounts in Azure, Salesforce etc - this is all covered here.


You also have integration options via the iBridge for:

* Azure Flows - https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Microsoft

* Rundeck Automation - https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Rundeck

If you are looking for behind the firewall integrations then you can utilise external orchestrations tools such as Microsoft Orchestrator to then call the Runbooks / Powershell scripts from your orchestration server from a Business Process in Hornbill.


Both the iBridge and Orchestration Connectors do carry a subscription cost but maybe worth exploring if you are looking at automating these type of processes and the time / efficiency and internal cost savings this can bring. 


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