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Is anyone else importing users 'countryCode' AD value into the Hornbill using the LDAP Importer tool?

I keep getting errors when attempting to set this up. I have added the attribute to the 'LDAPAttributes' section and then attempting to map this in the 'UserMapping' section but get an error for all users.


The values are the numeric ones held in AD. Is the platform expecting some other format?





@Martyn Houghton

Country Code in hornbill expects a 2 character text string the list of accepted codes can be found here:


Quick google suggests you country codes are in ISO 3166-1 numeric  and we are expecting ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 is ISO 3166-1 numeric a standard in AD? If so i can add a option to replace numeric with alpha 2 on country code?

Kind Regards

Trevor Killick

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