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So my company is working to a go live, at this time it appears that we decided that we only needed 10 licenses. However what will this do when we go actually live?


does this mean only 10 can be logged in at anytime?

Thanks for any assistance.


@William Weiszbrod

So right now you are licensed for 10 named users on Service Manager, during your initial switch on you were given a licence for 45 but on subscribing to hornbill this has been dropped to 10.  This means you can only have 10 Active user accounts assigned rights to the Server Manager Application the other 35 will have been marked as archived or suspended. Typically we would only see 10 of 10 in this message but as you have 45 licences in the Switch On and could import 45 users the system allowed you before dropping down to 10. 

Hopefully this makes sesnse

Kind Regards

Trevor Killick

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