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Read Permissions to a team


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I need to create a new team but need everyone to be able to see it. I will then add The team members through "Hornbill Service Manager >Configuration >Service Desk"

Whats the easiest way to achieve this.

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Hi Kelvin,

Thanks for your post.  You can create a new Team through the System->Organisationial Data->Organisation option in Administration.  From here you can also add the users that form part of that team.  The option under "Hornbill Service Manager >Configuration >Service Desk is just for specifying if the members can be available for assignment or not.

I'm not sure where you are wanting to make this team visible.  You can create an empty team in Administration and then assign this empty team as a supporting team against one or more services.  Once this is done, the team will be visible and requests can be assigned to this team, despite there not being any members of the team yet.

Let me know if that is what you are looking for or if it helps.



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@James Ainsworth So I have created a new team and added them as a supporting team. I have gone into  "Hornbill Service Manager >Configuration >Service Desk" and set the team members to be able to have calls assigned to them.


I want everyone to be able to see the list of requests in the requests screen, for the other teams I have had to manually add each member to the organisation with "allow task View" to Yes. As we now have about 100 users I want to be able to add all users in one go. 

If this doesn't make sense let me know and I will screen grab it.

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Hi Kelvin,

As long as a member of one team supports the same service as another team, they should be able to see each other's requests in the request list.

There are a couple of ways of doing this.  From the Team filter menu, which defaults to ''My Requests'' you can select "All My Services".  This will show all the requests from the different teams that support the same services as you.  Each Support Person can also create a Custom View to show requests from selected Services if they don't want the results to show requests from all the services.  In both cases you can use the "Home View" setting if you would like to have that as the default view when you first open Service Manager.

Let me know if this helps.



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