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RIchard Horton

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Everything posted by RIchard Horton

  1. I have what I think is a variant on this one, but I may be wrong. When a customer emails a Request in to Service Manager our response to them includes the Description. If they have a logo on their email this then gets replaced by a code that HSM has given it e.g. [cid:image001.jpg@01D67709.0859C440]. We would like to be able either to include the image (preferred) or not include the HSM code, as it doesn't look good to present someone's signature back to them as [cid:image001.jpg@01D67709.0859C440] Thanks Richard
  2. I'm wanting to do a decision within a business process within HSM where I use a custom value that has been extracted into a variable, and check whether that value (which will be an email address) corresponds with an existing contact. Anyone in a position to point me in the right direction ? Assuming that I can do that, the next question is whether there would be a way of unarchiving a contact if the response is that they have been archived. I'm less worried about that though - happy to start with existence/non-existence. Thanks Richard
  3. Thanks - that is a useful piece of info
  4. James, thinking about your response makes me curious about something related but not quite the same : If a ticket has been closed but the workflow is still open and the ticket creator sends an update email what would happen ? Would it get added to the ticket and update the last updated time ? When the workflow is closed it does not get added. Thanks Richard
  5. By the way, our analysts saw the notification about the implementation of this pop up, realised it was what they had asked for, and successfully applied it without any need for help. Thank you !
  6. We'd like the capability to automatically reopen a resolved service request when there is an email. Just for one of our mailboxes. We realise that if people reply with "Thank you" that will reopen it. I gather this isn't feasible. Is there any interest in this ? Thanks Richard PS I think I've probably raised this under the wrong category
  7. In HSM when looking at Service Requests we would like to be able to include the Last Updated By field (ie the person who make the last update to the ticket). This is currently not selectable. I gather this is because it isn't held at this level. IS there interest in being able to see this ? Thanks Richard PS apologies if I'm raising against the wrong area !
  8. At the moment when a service request has been closed in HSM if someone emails again then their email gets lost - no ticket updated and no notification. Would be helpful if there was a noreply type auto response saying this ticket has been closed please raise a new one. I gather this can't be done at the moment. Any interest in this ? Thanks Richard
  9. If someone sends a request to HSM and copies other people in only the person who raised the request gets the ticket number. If others then reply a new ticket is then created. And even if they don't they don't know the ticket information to ask about it, which seeing as they were copied they might be interested in. We have an area who would like people who are CC'd on the original email to be notified of the ticket created. I can see this happening one or two ways (i) where the notification is made generic so everyone gets the same notification (ii) where there is a separate template for the CC's (and when I say CC I am including other people in the To: list). I gather that the functionality for this isn't in HSM at the moment. Would this be of interest to others as well as me PS We probably only want this for one of the Hornbill mailboxes.
  10. I've got a query that may be related to this, so I'm posting this here. We have a team where an owner might be assigned but others may chip in depending on availability. Our tickets are coming in via email rather than portal. What they want is to be able to identify the last customer update (rather than the last update) and more specifically when the last customer update is after the last team update. This is different in that they don't want notifications, they want to be able to pick it up from looking at the request list. I think the colouring of updated tickets is designed to have this effect, but because it is not necessarily the owner commenting on the ticket then that doesn't work out. I realise they could take ownership and give it back but that feels a little convoluted. Is there a way of structuring the request list to give this view ? Newbie question ! Thanks Richard
  11. It certainly is, thank you, Steve. Node inserted and errors corrected and it's now working. Is there somewhere that describes those sort of little tricks ?
  12. I've got a really basic Friday afternoon question. While I'm interested in the answer, I'm as interested in what I should be searching for to find it in the Wiki or the Forum as I've looked there and not found what I'm looking for. The introductory video on BP tells you how to add a new node on step by step when creating a BP. However mine already exists. What I want to do is to insert a node part way through it to add a notification. The frustrating thing is that I did manage to work out how to do this earlier in the week, but am not managing to replicate it now. As I say, a Friday afternoon moment. Thanks Richard
  13. I would like to be able to delete Contacts. I seem to be able to archive them but not to delete them. There are 2 reasons for wanting to be able to do this 1/ contacts were set up in testing that I want to get rid of 2/ if we get a GDPR deletion request I want to be able to do a delete (not expecting this but would like to know how to do it if it happens) [Not sure I've categorised this correctly, but hopefully it's clear enough] Thanks Richard
  14. I would also like to see that each of our teams (each of which is segregated so they only see their tickets, being in discrete areas) only get to see the templates that relate to their area. We're working round this by prefixing each template name with the name of the team it relates to and then have a long list and the team furthest down the alphabet has to scroll to the bottom. Not a deal breaker but it seems counter intuitive that the tickets are segregated but the templates not (and I realise that you might want to share a template across teams even if they are segregated, but we don't as each has their own signature) Thanks Richard
  15. Hello. We're new to HSM so forgive me if I've missed anything basic in this question. In the Request List https://live.hornbill.com/<our ID>/servicemanager/requests/ I would like to be able to see the Request Category for each of the requests listed. However when I click on Configure > Customize Columns it isn't included in the Available Display Columns. I'd be very surprised if I were the first person who has wanted to do this. Is there something I'm missing ? Thanks Richard
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