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Everything posted by Steffen

  1. How do you change the Favicon on service manager. We would like to use our own one.
  2. Please can you add a way to connect all users as impacted when there is a P1 incident. At present I am led to believe that you have to add each individual that might be impacted. An idea may be to impact add per site.
  3. Hi Please can someone help me figure out why emails don't get routed if there is more than one email address in the To: field E.g. People might email our mailbox but include another person as well, not cc'd. - The syntax I'm using is: toAddress = '<removed_email_address>' or '<removed_email_address>' I have also tried, which fails even without a 2nd email address added toAddress IN '<removed_email_address>' or '<removed_email_address>' Steff
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