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Posts posted by samwoo

  1. Hello,

    We have added a new Mailbox, but we do not want it to be selectable in the list when sending an email in a Request - how can I remove this Mailbox from this list?

    It keeps defaulting to the new one and people keep using it despite us constantly telling them not to... perhaps because there has always been 1 mailbox set up in the past they've never had to make any selections.

    Please advise, it's causing a lot of issues.



  2. 10 hours ago, NeilWJ said:

    Hi Samuel,

    So you meanb in the request update flowcode (automatic task) there are no input params to update the custom fields right?

    Will get one of the analysts to look at modifying the existing flowcode.


    Hi Neil,

    Yes in the Automated Task -> Update Request -> Details there is no option to update the Custom Fields.

    Could I propose having similar to the above, but this time it would be something like Automated Task -> Update Request -> Custom Fields and in here you get a full list of all the custom fields to be edited (A-H for example) .

    Then it will be sImply to edit the one that applies to the process while having all the other options available under a single Automated Task in case more than 1 field need to updated at the same point.



    • Like 1
  3. Hello,

    When using Wiki-Markup in the "Service" description, it doesn't show the correct formatting when viewing the Service on the Portal directly. it does however format correctly when you click on   [+] More


    Even though we wont see most of the description with bullet points on the main screen, it would be beneficial for the formatting to be correct anyway in case we need to add '''BOLD''' or any other types or Wiki Markup.



  4. Hello,

    I have a request to make:

    With a lot of services, there needs to be consistency between them all. I am proposing for there to be a new area in the Service Manager called "Simple Forms", similar to "Simple Lists".

    Using the same dialogue options as creating Customised Forms within the Progressive Capture, but with additional features such as to be able to "Add Attachment", "Customer Search" etc in addition to the custom questions.

    Once saved it could be called in the Progressive Capture via a "Simple Form" node.

    Copying and Pasting is great, but I need to change some wording across all the forms... it will take a long time to go through each Progressive Capture to amend a few things...

    And it would be nice to be able to group things under a single form that could be changed in one fell swoop... such as having a "Note" (read-only multi line) at the top with the "Add Attachment" button underneath the "Note".



  5. 27 minutes ago, TrevorKillick said:

    Hi Samuel

    Not yet it was scheduled to happen this week but some issues were found in QA we are aiming for next week. 

    That query does look ok, i would run the select section first and just double check the accounts coming back you want to have access before running the query.

    Kind Regards

    Trevor Killick

    Hi Trevor,

    Thanks I was able to narrow the list some more and have added the role to the relevant users.

    Appreciate this. I hope the issue gets resolved on your end.


    • Like 1
  6. On 05/08/2016 at 8:34 PM, TrevorKillick said:

    Hi Samuel

    Just to keep you updated the Server Team have fixed the underlying issue causing the Updating of User Roles to fail, this will be fixed in an up coming release of the Platform. Unfortunately due to the nature of some changes that made there way into the server before this fix it could be a week or two before we see the particular build pushed to live. 

    As soon as i have a build version i will update the post as well as posted when its been pushed to live.

    No changed are required for this fix so it as soon as the server build is released the import will start working correctly.

    Kind Regards

    Trevor Killick

    Hi Trevor,

    Urgent question - has the updated build version been pushed to live?

    We have gone Live with the Self Service Portal today and lots and lots of users are not able to log calls due to them not having the Self Service User role. I've checked the LDAP_Import and it's clearly stating that the role should be added / updated against them.

    Is this script ok for me to run until this issue is resolved?

    INSERT h_sys_accounts_roles (h_user_id, h_role)
    SELECT  h_user_id, 'Self Service User' 
    FROM    h_sys_accounts 
    where   h_class = 3 
    and     h_account_status = 0 
    and     h_user_id not in
                SELECT h_user_id 
                FROM h_sys_accounts_roles 
                where h_role in ('Self Service User')

    We have stopped all non-priority phone calls coming into the Service Desk and these users without the Job Role are now unable to log calls.



  7. 29 minutes ago, TrevorKillick said:

    Hi Samuel 

    I will raise this with development, there is no wiki implementation for line break at the moment but the default text should be multiline. 

    Kind Regards

    Trevor Killick

    Hi Trevor,

    Appreciate this thanks. I've just checked and yes the "Default Value" is already Multi-line but it's not working with some of the Wiki formatting.

    [[LINK]] works, as does '''BOLD''' and ''italic'' but the others dont work (numbered lists, bullets, the headings also seem to play havok with the overall formatting as well as when you start a bit of text with an = you cannot close it with and = as it formats all the text after it)



  8. 4 minutes ago, TrevorKillick said:

    Hi Samuel

    In Wiki Markup you should be able to use * it must be on a new line without a space before it and with a space after it.

    Kind Regards

    Trevor Killick

    Thanks for the response I shall try that, though I cant seem to be able to add a new line as the input box for "Default Value" is a one liner. I remember there being a feature where you could CTRL click in that box to bring up the Multi-line editor but I dont think thats been implemented yet?

    Is there a Wiki-Markup code for line-breaks as there is nothing on the Wiki about it?

  9. Hi all,

    Just wanted to mention that I use Softerra LDAP Browser (free) to build these filters. Once i get the results i require, i copy the filter that I built from the software into the Conf file and away it goes.


    When building filters they look like this (example from their website):
    When you've created the filters they end up looking like the ones we need for the LDAP_Import.

    I don't check for disabled accounts as they are moved into the "Archived" OU anyway, if any current user ends up in here they are set to "Archived" in Hornbill, if they are moved into another OU then they will automatically become "Active" if they are not already.

    It's really cool.



    • Like 1
  10. Hello,

    For the Self Service Portal, is it possible to...

    1. Change the wording of the Resolution Text (shown between blue brackets)
    2. Remove the rating bit
    3. Remove the "It's working!" button
    4. Rename the "It's still broken" button


    If we can fix this, it will prevent customer confusion and prevent issues with the way we currently do things.



  11. On 09/08/2016 at 8:39 PM, James Ainsworth said:

    I was wondering if this post has any relation to the issues that are mentioned here?  

    Hi James,

    In my case, I am able to download the CSV file... when I see the data from the SQL query in Hornbill, everything is in the right columns, but when outputting to CSV the data doesnt sit in the right columns. For each record the data could be in different places in the CSV file.

    For example:

    alegil Company 1 0
    alehal 0  
    aleken Company 1 0
    alelan Company 1 0
    alemon Company 1 0
    ALEPRE Company 1 0
    aleree Company 1 0
    alesex Company 1 0
    aleshi Company 2 0
    alethw Company 1 0
    aliapp 0  
    ALIAUT Company 1 0




    As you can see for alehal and aliapp, where it should be a 0 in the third column, its moved to the second column because they dont have a company name

    What i guess is happening is that if the column is empty, the comma that's supposed to separate it is not added.


    alegil, Company 1, 0
    alehal, 0
    aleken, Company 1, 0

    aleshi, Company 2, 0
    alethw, Company 1, 0
    aliapp, 0

    This seem to be happening with all the SQL Direct reports where a field could have an empty column sucn as the h_sys_accounts table when exporting to CSV.



  12. Hello,

    When I need to provide certain information to the customer via the Self Service Portal, I often use the Multiline Text-box and set it to Read-Only and input the information I need to relay as the Default value. This is great except for two things...

    1. When having large amounts of information, the formatting of the Multiline textbox (as users have found) can be difficult to read. Could we have the possibility of adding formatting to this box? At least allowing line breaks via the PCM setup to show in the form as expected.
    2. When anyone jumps to a form with Read Only information, the field is automatically too large. We need this Multiline text box to fit to the text automatically. If i zoom in and out whilst on this screen, the Multiline text box shrinks to fit the text... which is not a workaround but to show that it seems to be capable of doing this.



  13. Hello,

    When I run the following code (for example):

    select  h_sys_accounts.h_user_id as USERID,
            trim(h_attrib7) as COMPANY,
            h_account_status as STATUS
    from    h_sys_accounts

    When I export it to CSV, if the h_attrib7 field is null it will then populate the empty h_attrib7 field with the h_account_status instead of leaving it blank. If it is populated, then the next field as expected will contain the h_account_status.

    This happens with every export I do, especially the h_sys_accounts... if i export this then where there is a blank field, it puts in the value from the next field leaving all the information out of sync and in the wrong fields.... and this is not consistent so I cannot filter information in excel.

    Can this be fixed? I have a small workaround for the above script (run it once for null h_attrib7 and one for populated h_attrib7) but need to see the overall picture from h_sys_accounts on it's own.




  14. 4 minutes ago, TrevorKillick said:

    Hi Samuel

    Are you using the Paste From Word Functionality that CKEditor provides?

    Kind Regards

    Trevor killick

    Ah no I didn't know that existed - will hunt for that button. It's handy writing it in Word as it keeps it in the same format when I paste it in so I never really used the buttons on CKEditor.

    Thanks Trevor

  15. Hello,

    I have come across a slightly frustrating issue when creating email templates.

    If i create a new template and copy the text from the following sources:

    * Word Document
    * Another Template
    * Notepad
    * Wordpad

    I get the following error message at what appears to be randomly.
    Email Error.PNG

    If i do get this message, i'll have to duplicate the tab, create a new email template yet again and copy and paste the information from the problem template. This doesnt always work, there have been occassions where I have needed repeat this process more than 5 times before I am finally able to create the template.

    This is the template I am having issues with at the moment in time:

    I have created other emails successfully with an underscore _ at the front of the name.

    Can someone advise?



    EDIT: Oh and the other thing that happens is that if I do manage to click "Create" without getting that error message, but don't get an acknowledgement that the Template has been created, I will never be able to use the Template name ever again.

    When this happens, the Create button is still active. So I refresh or create a new template, put the same name again and press Create... the create button is still active no matter how many times i do it.

    I go into the Email Templates area and there is no template with the name that i want to use. But when I add an extra character to the template name that I want to use, the template is created and works.

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