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Activity no longer functioning?

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Was there a hornbill update yesterday as I noticed that all on hold calls are now bold, since that update our 'call quality check' activity no longer works correctly. As when assigning it to a team it will not let you finish the activity even know all perquisites are completed. 


We check all the boxes then it should automatically ask what team you would like to assign the ticket too however, upon selecting a team and clicking the Green complete button nothing happens. This was working normally on Tuesday for example and I have checked and we haven't made any changes ourselves.


Any ideas?

I was able to get round this yesterday by refreshing the page and then trying the activity again and it would then work, but now the activity will not "complete" at all.

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 We have identified a defect and are currently working on fix. We will provide any update as soon as we have any further information.

Please bear with us.

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