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In-flight requests missing BPM result references

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I have noticed a large number of in-flight requests suddenly missing the result reference in numerous BPM nodes.

Some of these cleared result references are in stages not even reached yet.

For example, this is from a process currently suspended in an earlier node, however once it reaches this particular node, it will fail as the result reference has mysteriously been cleared.


Finally, is there a bulk way to identify all requests with these issues and fix them?

I really cannot be spending weeks going through all the in-flight requests to identify issues like this!!

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It seems at some point, when saving workflows, random nodes had their result references cleared (you can't do this intentionally as you will get a warning and the workflow will refuse to save).

Nodes with empty result references tend to behave normally if they are updating a request or locking/unlocking actions, however, it appears a suspend node without a result reference will never meet the condition to "un-suspend" and so the workflows end up suspended indefinitely.

This is particularly the case where a suspend for resolution has had its result reference cleared and a resolution has been set.

Manually resuming these is the only option, however, if any future node relies on the outcome of a suspend node, the workflow will fail.

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