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Intune mobile import

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Hi, I have some weird behaviour with the intune import for mobile assets, 

when I query all ios devices I get a return of 1953 devices, If I say return all ios and ownership is company I get 2105, How can this be? 

The reason I am testing this is because out of 2119 assets that I see in intune for corporate owned and are iphones, only 2036 are being updates, missing the last 83, adding to the query I stated a specific serial number of a device that was not updating, once run this worked and updated the single asset that otherwise was not updating, my only guess without seeing the code, is that the last lot of 100 from the api is not being iterated through? Can this be investigated please

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Hi @Jim,

I am assuming that you are referencing the OData Query. If that is the case, please confirm (eg in ... ) that you are indeed getting back what you are expecting from InTune directly.

There are a few known issues with InTune's OData implementation (i.e. one can't use startswith on the OS field and null queries are also shaky).

I would personally recommend to not rely on the OData Query (yet) and do the filtering after the utility extracts the data using AdditionalFilters. Yes, that does mean that if you want to only process 2 items, all devices will be extracted up front. Inefficient, but it should work.

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Hi, @Ricky I was going off this resource managedDevice resource type - Microsoft Graph v1.0 | Microsoft Learn

I can try it as corporate and see how it goes, but the Hornbill side of the documentation doesn't mention which resource / api is used which is why I have assumed it is this one to see what values I can set. I'll let you know if there is any difference / issues


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Hi @Jim,

So there are two numbers of import:

1) how many items returned on the (empty) query from Intune

2) the amount of items the utility is updating.

If I read your post correctly, then you are suggesting that the first number is incorrect. If so, please confirm what https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/deviceManagement/managedDevices is returning via https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/graph-explorer (you will need to log in via the same account as used with the KeySafe entry creation) because that is what Intune is returning to our utility. If the number is discrepant here, then I would have to direct you to your Intune documentation. IF the number here IS what you were expecting, please let us know, because then some assets are dropping off on our side...

The latter number could be discrepant because of various reasons, eg certain assets are skipped (no changes detected) or do not drop into any of your filters (also: please confirm that managedDeviceOwnerType is listed in the Intune.Fields array - it is there by default, so I suspect it is).


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