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New Update: ESP (3864)

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Hello everyone,

The latest update of ESP (3864) has been released to live.

The change log for this update is as follows:


  • Direct outbound email message router is now able to flag messages that contain multiple recipients as "Partially" delivered, accounting for the fact that some recipients my have been delivered while others may have failed to deliver.



  • Direct outbound mail router was not correctly flagging the message state based on success or failed message delivery
  • Intelligent Capture validation now requires any decision note to have at least two exit points for it to be considered valid.
  • Date/Time fields in entity email templates were not being correctly prefixed when referencing related entity records
  • Employee Portal - Layout of Link Widget was not using correct padding and margins and search widget was not showing correct size when 2 columns ( https://community.hornbill.com/topic/26209-search-widget-is-a-different-height-to-other-widgets/ )


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