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Unexpected View on Requests List


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Our users have noticed a view that is showing them something different to what would be expected.

They're trying to view tickets where the resolve target hasn't been met but the view also appears to be showing tickets where the resolve time has not been set.


Anyone else seeing the same error?


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The Within Resolve Time doesn't get set until the request is actually resolved, so even if it goes past the target time and is still open the field still remains empty. If you think this drastically reduces the usefulness of even having this field (obviously you're more likely to be interested in active calls that have breached so they can be addressed, rather than seeing resolved calls that breached previously), then I would agree with you. However when I raised this in the past I was told there was no plan to "fix" the way the Within Resolve time field is set at the time.

You can still sort of make a view for this, but it's not entirely accurate for calls on hold. You can look for New/Open/On Hold calls where Resolve By field is before today's date (I might be wrong, but it doesn't seem possible to enter a variable for "Now" into the filter, so you need to reset the time every time you use the view).

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