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Data Query - Get Assets by Type - Enable Comma separated values in the Type field


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Good afternoon, 

Raising off the back of my latest update to this thread:

We are working on our Applications data against Assets and need to present the Asset Form via a Custom Field using Data Query.

However, we need to be able to define which Asset Types are selectable in the Data Query. I have tried putting in Comma Separated values, but it's just not producing any results.

Please can this be raised this as an enhancement.


In the meantime, I am having to display all Software Assets, which is not ideal as it contains Certificates and other kind of software Asset that users shouldn't be seeing.

  • No, these asset types should not be combined under a single asset type,
  • No, for sake of the user experience, we should not have separate questions for each the Asset Types.
    • For example, a lot of users won't know what a Web Portal is (A front-end for a bunch of services, or a single service in its own right) over a Web Portal Service (which is a service associated/included within a Web Portal, which might have different teams/people supporting this particular service on the Portal, where there might be additional services in that same Portal).
    • Similarly for Business Applications (Software designed to support the Business needs and requirements for different Services, like Unit 4, SharePoint, Hornbill) and Software (Non-Business Applications, like Adobe Acrobat, Notepad++, GreenShot, Camtasia) - general users cannot always distinguish between the two, so we need all the results in a single question.
    • All this is for the sake of Configuration Management, and our work on improving how we do the Applications Roadmap (instead of using Excel spreadsheets).


Samuel Wood

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  • 5 months later...

Good morning,

I’m writing to follow up on a topic that I initially brought up in December. As there hasn’t been any updates since then, I was wondering if it had been discussed further internally?

(Looking at the date I created this thread, I probably should've held off posting until January when most people are back to work, so this is probably why it was missed)

We've had an issue following the recent local government elections, we’ve set up our elected members with their devices. However, we’ve received feedback that some members are having difficulty identifying their devices in the list of laptops and computer tablets (some of which have attachable keyboards) as separate questions on some of our forms.

While the categorization might seem obvious to us, it appears that it’s not immediately clear to everyone.

I want to emphasize that this issue isn’t limited to just the elected members.

Just to reiterate my request, I am looking for an updated "Get Assets by Type” Data Query to handle comma-separated values in the Type field. Alternatively, introduce a new Data Query called “Get Assets by Multiple Types”.

I believe this change could significantly improve the user experience, especially in our other forms where we had to expose all Assets in Hornbill, just so users can choose Software, Business Applications etc. In this case, the terminology confuses people, and no matter how we signpost it, there will always be people who think Software and Business Applications mean the same thing.



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  • 3 months later...

Good morning,

Any considerations on being able to provide additional filtering capabilities to the Get Assets by Type Data Query, enabling a comma seperated list of values to be used?



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