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Retrieving a list of scheduled requests using the Hornbill API

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I am trying to retrieve a list of requests that have been scheduled using the Hornbill API. The API that I am calling is the getScheduledRequests API and I am using the following PowerShell script:

function Get_ScheduledRequests {
    Attempt to get a list of scheduled requests

   #region : VARIABLES
   [String]$Method = 'getScheduledRequests'
   [String]$Parameter = @()
   [String]$RestMethod = 'post'
   [String]$Service = 'apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/ScheduledRequests'
   [Int]$RowStart = 1
   [Int]$RowCount = 2147483647 #this field is int32 where the maximum value is 2147483647
   #endregion @ VARIABLES

   #region : Assign API parameters
    $Parameter = @(
    #endregion : Assign API parameters

   [String]$ParameterIsCMInstalled = 'true'
   [String]$ParameterLanguage = "en-GB"

   Try {
        $InvokeSmXmlMcParam = @{
            Method = $Method
            Parameter = $Parameter
            RestMethod = $RestMethod
            Service = $Service
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
        $ApiResponse = Invoke-HbRestMethod @InvokeSmXmlMcParam

        $retVal = $ApiResponse

    } #Try
    Catch {
        $retVal = -1
        Write-Error $_.Exception.Message 
    } #catch

    return $retVal

The value returned is as follows:

outcome totalRecordCount scheduledRequests
------- ---------------- -----------------
success 0                []               

We have a lot of requests which have been scheduled so I am wondering if I am passing the wrong information to the API method. I know the rest of the code (not shown above) works fine as I use other Hornbill APIs to run and retrieve reports.

If you could highlight any obvious mistakes I've made or point me in the right direction that would be a great help!


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  • 3 weeks later...

I tried calling a similar API request but this time calling the "read" API method within the "SearchHistory" web service as follows:

function Get_SearchHistory {
    Attempt to get a list of scheduled requests

   #region : VARIABLES
   [String]$Method = "read"
   [String]$Parameter = @()
   [String]$RestMethod = "post"
   [String]$Service = "apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/SearchHistory"
   [Int]$deskID = 5 #this field is int32 where the maximum value is 2147483647
   [Int]$RowStart = 1
   [Int]$RowCount = 20 #this field is int32 where the maximum value is 2147483647
   #endregion @ VARIABLES

   #region : Assign API parameters
    $Parameter = @(
    #endregion : Assign API parameters

   [String]$ParameterIsCMInstalled = "true"
   [String]$ParameterLanguage = "en-GB"

   Try {
        $InvokeSmXmlMcParam = @{
            Method = $Method
            Parameter = $Parameter
            RestMethod = $RestMethod
            Service = $Service
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
        $ApiResponse = Invoke-HbRestMethod @InvokeSmXmlMcParam
        $retVal = $ApiResponse

    } #Try
    Catch {
        $retVal = -1
        Write-Error $_.Exception.Message 
    } #catch

    return $retVal

The output, particularly the JSON, was as follows:


Unlike the "getScheduledRequests" API method this one seems to work. I suspect the the "getScheduledRequests" API method is broken. It shows as successful but returns no data even though we have numerous scheduled requests.

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