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Query re linking Assets to service requests


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Good morning, I wondered if anyone could advise on this for me. When I'm in an asset and want to link requests to it, normally I can do a search and link those that haven't already been linked. I've noticed lately though, that none of the requests coming up are showing as linked already, when they are. This has resulted in me linking an asset to requests multiple times as I thought I hadn't added them. Is this normal or a fault? In the screenshot I've attached, the requests have been linked to the asset I'm in but they still have the option to link, but I'm sure it used to say Linked. 

I know I can see which calls have been linked by flicking the toggle on at the bottom but it's not possible to compare that list at the bottom with the list at the top as they're not in any kind of order.

link assets.jpg

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