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Not easily I am afraid, it depends how you have set your instance up, basically, if you have no user accounts with the rights to do this, you will not be able to because of security controls.  Our cloud team can do a one-time recovery of the 'admin' account password for you, but only if they get a formal request from the email address of the person who is registered as the authoritative account user on your Hornbill instance. 

If thats not possible, and you still need access then we would need some kind of authorisation from your executive to initiate an account password recovery.  

In general, no one at Hornbill has administrative access to any customers instance, any access we get we ourselves require permission and do that through the support access key that our customer has to generate.


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Yes it is, if you grant the user the "sys.a.manageUsers" right, they will be able to perform a password reset on any user account.  Use right with caution though, it basically means, anyone with that admin right can change any aspect of any user account, including resetting the password to gain access via direct login. 

A better alternative is to have the users who's password needs resetting to just use the "Forgot Password" option on the login screen (if enabled), they will receive an email and will be able to reset their own password. 


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