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Email Routing Rules do not appear to be followed by a second mailbox which has now been added for applying an update to ticket via email

Adam Toms

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Hi All,

We've successfully configured a second mailbox into our Hornbill instance to be able to handle updates from our facilities management team when they look to go live with Hornbill. Up until this point we have had just the IT mailbox configured in Hornbill.

I need any email updates with a ticket reference number in subject line to auto update the ticket time line. For example: RE: SRxxxxx

I've attached how I believe our current rule is working for our IT mailbox. It appears this rule doesn't specify a mailbox. So I've ensured the second mailbox has the same folders in it however this fails to update the ticket and mailboxes. I have confirmed the mailbox is sending and receiving mail from internal and external email addresses.

Do I have to be more specific with this rule or create an additional rule with the mailbox configuration and what I want out of it or should the attached rule just work regardless of mailbox?


Many Thanks.


Mailbox rule for Auto Updates Requests.PNG

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@Adam Toms it seems there is a slight misunderstanding as to how the routing rules, mailboxes work...

The routing rules, as functionality, in essence reside somewhere in between the external mail server (whatever server is sending the message) and the Hornbill mailbox. With routing rules active, any incoming email will be first picked up by routing rules, before any mailbox gets involved... in more simple terms: Mail Server -> Routing Rule -> Mailbox. So the mailbox has no relevance when routing rules pick up an email for processing... this is also the reason why routing rules do not and cannot action on emails that reside in mailbox. As for what mailbox and what folder they will be put in: the folder is obviously the one specified in routing rule configuration; the mailbox is determined based on the recipient address, to what email address the email was sent. All mailboxes in HB have a default email address associated to them. The routing rule looks who is the recipient, what mailbox has the recipient as email address and that's the mailbox the email will be put in. You cannot have an email sent to mailbox1@domain.etc be put in a folder that belongs to mailbox2@domain.etc, that email is not intended for the other mail address... perhaps think of mailboxes as an extension of an email address if it helps...

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Thanks for the update Victor,  so to summarise what you are saying the routing rule above should work fine because it's not dependant on mailbox.

What we are finding is that the updates to a ticket will only work is they are being sent using the IT Support mailbox. Any other mailbox and the routing rule does not work, but as you can screenshot above no mail box is specified in regards to routing rule. 

Do you have any idea why this might be happening?

Many Thanks


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@Adam Toms when you say "any other mailbox" you mean an email sent to one of your other (mailbox) email addresses, other than the one configured for IT Support mailbox. There is an FAQ that covers most common issues with routing rules here: https://community.hornbill.com/topic/13777-routing-rules-do-not-process-emails/ and here: https://community.hornbill.com/topic/13741-routing-rules-do-not-raise-requests-from-emails-or-apply-emails-to-requests/. Have a look through these, if none of the scenarios apply then perhaps we need a support request raised so we can have a look at some examples to work out what the issue is...



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