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Employee portal - users to close their tickets

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On our Employee portal end users have the ability to attach and update tickets can you advise how i can add a resolve or close button? Where do i activate this?



I have scanned through the post you have suggested @Adrian Simpkins I can see alot about cancelling a ticket however i want to know if i can add resolved button? Do you know if thats possible ?



Ah sorry I read it as just regarding adding a closure or Cancel button to be added rather than a resolve button - apologies, very tired today for some reason :)

As far as I am aware the Resolve button as such only appears on the customer portal once the request moves to Resolved, then they get the standard 'Issue is Resolved / Issue is still Un-Resolved' options. I have not seen anything that will allow the customer to Resolve it prior to an Analyst marking a request as Resolved - you could offer the Cancel option as a route for customers to mark a request as 'Resolved' before a request is moved to the Resolved status by an Analyst in Service Manager, and triggers the buttons 

Many thanks



Thanks @Adrian Simpkins. I cant see how to get a closed\closure option in that post just how to cancel a ticket. Do you know know how to get a closed option?


Hi Shamaila,

As before I do not believe there is any method to offer a Closed option, other than when a request is resolved and the customer selects 'My Issue is Resolved' this would move the request to a closed status

So in effect if one of our customers cancels a request they have raised on the portal we would also class this as a 'closure' as such. However as mentioned before there is no way to offer the 'My Issue is Resolved / My Issue is not Resolved' buttons until a request moves through to a resolved status in a BPM which in turn triggers the box that offers these options on the Employee Portal side

Many thanks


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