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Issue adding second inbound mailbox - exhhange 2010


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We are trying to add a second mailbox - or primary mailbox is hosted and i want to move it to our on prem exchange (still on 2010 at moment) but we are recieving the attached error when trying to test the connection and out networks and infrastructure team are saying there is nothing they can do....


we have tried different ports and authentication.... i believe this was one of the reasons when we implemented hornbill 18months ago we moved it to an externally hosted mailbox, but have no documentation/info as to why (staff have now left),



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Thanks for the post. Our requirements for POP3 are very simple. A route from our external IP (Listed here - https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php?title=Hornbill_Cloud_and_Platform) to the mail Server on the given port. From the above that appears to be blocked either on your corporate firewall, on the mail servers firewall or in your mail server configuration itself.  

You should be able to test this, my telnet to your mail server on specified port, working out from the mail server, to LAN, to WAN to see where it stops working. 

Kind Regards


Keith stevenson

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Thanks keith, we dont have any of the ports set up in that document for pop3/imap (im thinking this may be the reason we went to this externail mailbox) , we use port 443 and this is what we use our email owa access on phones which works.

Is there any way we could configure this, as we dont have a drop down box for the https just imap or pop 3

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