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Demoting a Full user to Basic user

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Hi, We have recently had a leaver in our team and we are in the process of removing him from all systems. This being the case, we wanted to demote the user to a Basic user in Hornbill before removing his account completely. When I go to demote this user, I am given a warning to inform me that we will lose all personal items with the account. Before I take an action that can't be undone, I wanted to understand what this would remove. This user was involved in creating most of the workflows within Hornbill therefore would not want to lose anything.

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Demoting a Full user to a Basic user in Hornbill it would remove/disassociate following data:

  • removes user's application subscription
  • removes all associated role(s) which are higher privilege level then Basic
  • removes all workspace membership for Basic User

If there is any workspace/workflows or anything owned by that user has to be reassigned.

If you notice any other behavior than what was mentioned above when you demote the user, please raise a support request and we will assist.

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  • Victor changed the title to Demoting a Full user to Basic user

Thank you @Victor,

My concern is around the workspace/workflows - having a large library of these, whom most of which have been created by the leaving member of the team; what would happen to the Workflows that this person owned and have not been reassigned? Would they stop working? 


As we are an external facing service, we don't want to make any changes that may impact the live service.


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2 hours ago, aykut.boyraz said:

what would happen to the Workflows that this person owned and have not been reassigned? Would they stop working?

Nothing will stop working. If you don't reassign before demoting you might have issues when trying to reassign them at a later date but in terms of them working or not it's not the case. Nothing will stop working.

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