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Is there a way to archive the standard reports, in a similar manner to how contacts are archived?

We have some reports that are no longer required, but we wanted to keep them on the system for a bit longer (around 6 months) before deleting them permanently. There are some reports that are a snapshot of tickets that were open at the beginning of a particular month, otherwise it would be possible to run the reports with a different date range if we required them again.

Kind regards,



Hi @mojahidm

There are no options for archiving defined reports.

You are able to run reports with different date ranges against the available date fields, however this will not always produce what you are looking for.  You may run a report on requests raised or maybe resolved during a set date range but this same report if it was run last month compared to this month, other data in the requests may have changed. 

You can use the report filters to prompt for date ranges at the time a report is run.  



The Advanced Analytics is designed to look at trending, and captures information over time.  You can also have a report that is scheduled to publish monthly versions to a document in Document Manager so you see historical reports.



Let us know if this helps.




Thanks @James Ainsworth

I believe we already publish to the document manager. The query was more with regards to tidying up standard reports themselves that were no longer required, but there was a hesitancy on deleting it. I think we'll likely wait for a few months more and then just delete the reports :-)

Kind regards,


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