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Martyn Houghton

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Posts posted by Martyn Houghton

  1. I have been trying to locate a on the wiki or web the list of supported files types which are supported in Workspace posts.

    Is it only image files like jpeg that it supports, as I know .PDF and Word documents fail with an unsupported file type issue.



  2. At the moment you can add a multiple lines of text into 'Posts', i.e. you can use the carriage return (Enter) to layout and enter a large amount of sturtured text into a the post. But when entering a Comment or Answer, you are only able to inserts one continuous string of text as it is submitted when you press Enter.

    Is there any plans to apply the same UI process as with a Post when you press a button to submit you Comment or Answer?



  3. Related to my earlier post on structured searches, https://forums.hornbill.com/index.php?showtopic=8271, are there any plans to implement a folder or group structure to the Workspaces so that they can be organised into seperate catalogs/hierarchy rather than just a single container?

    The reason being is that as the volume workspaces grow, locating or identify workspaces will become harder. Also with multiple business area's using the tool, this could be come quite unwieldy.



  4. We have gone live with Workspaces ahead of us going live with Service Manager to get our users used to the new platform and to start to capture some of the knowledge/information we have spread around numerous different sources.

    One thing we have already identified is that we will have a large volume of Workspaces and will need the ability to do more advanced/structured searches.

    At the moment with the drop down arrow on the Workspaces search feature allows you to filer by ‘Date’, ‘Posted By’ and ‘Workspaces’. However we would like to be able to more structure/logic based searches.

    For instance, where the Workspace name is begins with a value, contains a phrase but does not contain another phrase. Perhaps using some search format like below:-

    Workspace like ‘Uniform%’ and subject ‘Version 10.1’ and subject not ‘Version 10.1.1’

    Is this something that would be possible?



  5. James

    The objective I am trying to acheive is to allocate to an individual analyst with the team which supports the service automaticially either usign the Round Robin or Most Available Analyst criteria.

    Assign to Service Team, means the request gets allocated to the correct team based on the service, but not to an individual. The Assign to Most Available Analyst/Round Robin node, even if you set the Team parameter to 'Automatically pick up the value' after the Assign to Service Team node, will fail as it only works with a hard coded manual value.

    Can a change request be raised to allow the Assign to Most Available Analyst/Round Robin nodes to inherit the Service value from the request automatically or for this is be able to be set to a variable, where by we could use the Get Request Details node to obtain the Team set by the preceeding Assign to Service Team.

    This way we can use a generic Business Process for the majority of out different services.



  6. James

    We are using workspaces for internal Knowledge capture, however we our primary customer base, what are the plans regarding external knowledge base facilities accessible via the Customer Portal, where more detailed information or documents are requried rather than the a simple FAQ?



  7. I trying to locate on the Wiki how you setup external customers aka 'Contacts' to have access to login to the Customer Portal and how you set their passwords up.

    The Wiki makes reference to guest accounts and templates, but I am wanting to pre-register user without them having to go through a sign up process.

    Any pointers on how this is done?



  8. James

    The Snippets with variables sound like a good replacement for the Email Templates we use in Support Works now, but as you point out the gap that will still be there will be the ability to insert inline graphics such as screen shots.

    As we are a software provider like yourself, it is actually screenshots from the application or server we are supporting that we insert into the email generated from the template in line with text instructions/words from the call diary up date, so in essence the images are context sensitive and the email is much easier for the customer to follow, rather than referencing separate attachments.

    If there was the ability to insert a reference to an attachment on the request within the text and then this is embedded when the email is sent, that would provide a workaround if there is not ability to do inline in a rich email editor of some kind. On the later point, another option would be to have ability to launch a HTML mail editor dialog window from the current email option, to allow for this type of editing when required, but retain the current text based editing option for normal notifications/updates?

    More than happy to demonstrate what we currently do in Support Works that we a trying to replicate in Service Manager.



  9. When an Analyst completes a task they are asked to complete a Description of what was done/outcome of the task. We would like to include this in an automated email process which immediately follows the task to update the end user and remove the manual task of the analyst having to send a email from the the request, which then uses a fixed template rather than a specific one we could select via the BPM process.

    Is there anyway of passing the task 'description' field into the email template variables?






    Forum Admin Edit: The functionality was provided in one of the earlier Admin Tool builds. This thread is now locked.

  10. One of the features we use in Supportworks is the ability to select an email template when doing a call diary update and then editing the generated email to to include inline images/screenshots.

    At the moment in Service Manager it appears you are only able to use the Email Templates from within automated BPM tasks and not able to select a template to use when doing a manual/adhoc email from the request. Also as this is only a text only you not able to use inline images and have to add any non text elements as attachments.

    As we our predominantly an external customer facing service desk we utilise the email facilities in Support Works quite heavily to communicate with our customers.

    Is there any plans to improve the email functionality in Service Manager for manual generated emails?



  11. Would it possible for the Search facility in the Application Search option to allow you to enter wildcards, as when you are first implementing the system you do not necessarily know the full name and therefore the setting prefix etc.

    Also, it would be really useful if the information pop ups for each setting where populated so that you know what the context and function of the setting is for.



  12. Had slipped back in to VPME mode and had forgotten variables in the BPM do not persist, so have to have an automated Get Request Details before each Human Task.

    Interestingly if you start parallel process immediately after the Get Request Details task and then link it to you multiple Human Tasks the Request Variables you retrieved can be used by all of the tasks.



  13. I have a number of manual tasks in our initial stage of our Incident BPM process, which need to be undertake by the incident owner. I am using the auto assign process at the beginning of the stage to assign to our 1st Tier team and then want the assigned 1st Tier analyst to be allocated the tasks.

    The human task object require an 'Assign to' to be set but there is no option to select 'Owner (For Tasks)' under the Variable option, as there is with the Automated tasks.

    How do you go about assigning human tasks to the request owner which in this case will be being set by the Auto Assign process?



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