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Dave Woodhead

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Everything posted by Dave Woodhead

  1. I'm trying to track how a particular Activity became assigned to an inappropriate team, but cannot find anything resembling Activity history. The Activity (a Human Task created by a Service Manager Business Process) is clearly listed in the Request timeline as assigned to the correct resolver team, but a member of a different team actioned the Activity and then asked why it had been assigned to them. There's nothing in the Request timeline (I would not expect there to be, as the Activity/Task is a distinct, albeit linked, entity.) There is also no history immediately visible in the Activity itself in ServiceManager, despite logging in as Admin. Looking an the Application Entity Viewer, I can find Task data in h_sys_tasks (in Service Manager) but no Task History. I also located Timeline data in h_buz_activities (linking to the "parent" request via h_buz_activity_streams) but this appears (from the h_bus_acticity_streams record Names) to relate to only the top-level request types such as Incident and Service Request. h_sys_audit_trail doesn't contain anything, but that's presumably as Tasks/Activities aren't listed as an Audited entity in h_sys_audit_settings (I can't immediately find Audit settings anywhere in the Admin screens.) Am I missing something, or is Activity/Task history not captured/accessible?
  2. Could I request the addition of filtering as an option on co-worker searches, to enable filtering by Role, Team or Group? This is a frequently-arising requirement on Progressive Capture Forms and also sometimes on Task Outcome Fields (although these only reference SImple Lists at present, the ability to execute these against filtered Data Queries would be extremely useful.) At present I am having to use an unfiltered CoWorker search and then build steps into Business Processes to detect when the user has selected an inappropriate Co-Worker and reject the request (or add a Human Task to solicit and record a more appropriate Co-Worker selection.) Thanks.
  3. I'd be interested in this too. We have a number of scenarios where rules based on PCF responses would be very useful, e.g. testing that a "start date" falls after an "end date" and suchlike.
  4. Given the (potentially coincidental) timing, is it possible that the launch of the new design has caused this problem? If so, could the UI upgrade be rolled back?
  5. Sorry, but next Tuesday's simply not soon enough. Business Processes often rely on mandatory questions being completed, so they will not behave normally while these questions can remain blank. Without confidence that our business processes are working correctly we will have to manually check each and every Request being submitted and potentially perform manual (offline) tasks which should have been completed in the Business Process. Could this be escalated, as the impact on our Service Desk and support teams is potentially massive.
  6. Thanks Victor. That will be a slight improvement on adding a visible character. As I'm appending some text as a continuation of previous data and some a new lines, I appreciate it's impossible to keep everybody happy!
  7. I have a Business Process which populates a Custom Field over several steps (as different content is required according to the user's selections in the associated PCF.) I am using an Update Request activity in a Hornbill Automation node and have set the "Append Text" property to Yes, but any trailing whitespace at the end of existing Custom Field content or at the start of the data being appended to the Custom Field is being removed, so the appended text appears immediately after the exiting text. I am having to include a line with just a full stop at the start of the appended text where I want the appended text to appear on a new line. Is it possible to append data without leading and trailing whitespace being trimmed?
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