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Toby Mc

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  1. HI, Any update on this, I need an auto email response to staff to tell them use the Portal , instead of just sending in tickets, vie email Has to be automatic response .
  2. that worked for me ..that has just saved my eveneing !
  3. Is there a way to bulk add the Self Service Cancel Request User role to all Users ? Or do I need to do it individually?
  4. Thanks I thought that might be the case, but as I seem to have been chasing my tail all day I thought it best to get it confrimed
  5. Thansk both, So a user can now see cancel for Service Request We also have Incidents, And Cancel doesn't appear as a choice Is there something else i have to do for Incidents?
  6. thanks , so one last question I hope I have toggled ON for this option guest.servicemanager.portal.request.enableServiceRequestCancellation Allow authorised Service Portal / Employee Portal users to cancel Service Requests I have then given a user this role Self Service Cancel Request User Where/How can then now Close/Cancel their own ticket ?
  7. Thanks it brings up TWO options guest.servicemanager.customer.request.enableServiceRequestCancellation Allow authorised Customer Portal users to cancel Service Requests guest.servicemanager.portal.request.enableServiceRequestCancellation Allow authorised Service Portal / Employee Portal users to cancel Service Requests Do I toggle to ON both of them ?
  8. Can someone please tell me exactly where I go to Enable the setting below? I am struggling to find it
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