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  1. Thank you @Victor - that's cleared a few things up for me.
  2. Hi @Victor - thanks for getting back to me on this. Regarding the h_bpm_email_approvals - I'm using the Authorisation node and have set an authoriser in it. 1. An email is then sent to the authoriser 2. Authoriser either Approve, Tentative or Rejects. Is the above not the table that would manage this? Just so you know, I've implemented a workaround by using a custom field to take the outcome, which I've then used as a filter in the report.
  3. Hi support, I'm currently trying to create a nightly export to a CSV based on Requests and h_bpm_email_approvals In the report builder, I LEFT JOIN the h_bpm_email_approvals to Requests and filter table column outcome = accept However, on Data Preview the filter doesn't seem to be working (see attached) Am I using the right method to filter cases based on approvals? Thanks Headset Approved_1591.csv
  4. Thanks for the update James.
  5. Hi @Victor Hope you are keeping safe. Just following up on this request. Any idea if this has been added to the development pipeline? I know this is more of a nice to have, rather than a major update / fix but would be great to know if there is a timeline to implement. Thanks
  6. Hi @James Ainsworth, Just following up on this request. Any idea if this has been added to the development pipeline? I know this is more of a nice to have, rather than a major update / fix but would be great to know if there is a timeline to implement. Thanks
  7. Hi Support, Just following up on this request. Any idea if this has been reviewed? Thanks
  8. Hi Support, Would it be possible to add a new task to the task when suspending a call? So an additional option to 'Wait for an email response' from the customer before triggering the next stage in the BPM. Plea
  9. @James Ainsworth Let me know if any clarification is needed on this one.
  10. Hi @Victor - any idea whether this is being reviewed from a features update standpoint?
  11. @Dan Munns thanks for the details explanation - exactly what I was after and not as complicated as I thought it would be. @Foley Coker FYI Time to do some testing.
  12. Hi all, Hopefully someone else has tried doing this. I'm trying to re-authorise a request after a rejection outcome. This is to allow the Agent to select a user with a collaborative license and resend the authorisation email on behalf on the requester. I'm trying to achieve this through a Human Task (select the user) then the authorisation node emails that user. See attached
  13. Sorry for the late reply all. Spot on @Stuart Torres-Catmur and @Paul Alexander If we could have the choice of changing the WYSIWYG to the same being used on this forum would be great.
  14. Hi Support, I've noticed when using the WYSIWYG I get the below errors when sending and email. The text area shows one view of what you've typed but then formats a different view after sending (mainly related to text spacing and fonts) If I copy and paste some text it randomly chooses the font which I then cannot change after highlighting the text and selecting my preferred font e.g. Arial All in all, I was hoping that changing the WYSIWYG version or type could be left to the Admin to set. The simple version being used on this Forum would be perfect.
  15. Nice on @James Ainsworth - appreciate the quick response. Looking forward to using this feature in the near future.
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