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Nick Brailsford

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Posts posted by Nick Brailsford

  1. Hi Alex,


    We have a number of other questions :

    1) I was unable to upload a document under some circumstances against the contact, however in my testing i did see one that i had tried to upload so i tested with that but i was unable to edit the document nad save it back using the document management feature

    2) I see that I can create a simple list, how do i then assign this to list to the supplier / contract form?

    3) Under the supplier from I created a new contact (a few times now lol) but i cant not find them once created.


    Thanks Alex



  2. Hi,


    There is an issue with creating contracts that have dates in the past / future.  It does not allow us to save the form.

    It looks to be related to the dates that I was picking, so I have a contract that started in 2017 and ends in 2020 I am unable to save the record with these dates, If I enter dates within this year its ok, which I did, I am now unable to edit these dates.





  3. Hi,

    We are creating some Asset reports to identify how many assets of a certain type there are.  I am unable to differentiate between Desktop and Laptop as these types are in the computer class.  Can you advise how we report on this please?





  4. Hi @Steve Goldthorpe


    I have imported one class of assets and moved on to the next, however its not importing and i susspect its to do with this and me not understanding / having selected the correct fields :-


    "AssetTypes": [
            "AssetType": "Mobile",
            "Query": "AND e.generic = 'mobile'",
            "AssetIdentifier": {
                "DBColumn": "h_name",
                "Entity": "AssetsMobileDevice",
                "EntityColumn": "h_name"


    Can you advise please?

  5. Hi,


    Is it possile to add pick lists in the asset forms so that users have to pick from a predefined list eg

    In assets, financial information, the cost center field shoul be a pick list.


    Thanks in advance



  6. @Steve Goldthorpe

    Hi Steve,

    Thanks for your reply,

    What I am looking at to start with is what fields (headers) are required coming from SW into Hornbill, I can generate an SQL statement to bring them out but we don't hold all the required options such as Class.  Would these then need to be classed within SW?  We also have some custom fields within SW.


    Are there no examples of others exporting SW data?





  7. Hi,


    We have just configured SSO for the different portals, all but the Service Portal behaves as expected and looks to adfs during the site launch.  The serivce portal goes to the login screen and we have to then click login at which point it goes off to ADFS to authenticate.  Should this not automatically sign in as the other portals?





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