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Everything posted by derekgreen

  1. Thanks to all for the replies - and to the Hornbill team for the quick fix!
  2. Hi - just wondered if anyone else has had this issue. Users here who are accessing our customer portal via IE11 have reported that they are being prompted with the message attached. Can we safely ignore this or is it now required?
  3. Hi - We have recently started issuing laptops running Windows 10 (don't scoff, we're a cash strapped local authority!) and users have reported issues accessing the service portal on their new devices. We use ADFS to allow for single sign on but the Windows 10 users are reporting that they need to log in to the portal with their network credentials. Anyone else had this issue?
  4. Please add me too! This is something that a number of senior staff here have raised as an issue. At the moment I have instructed staff to use email for updates relevant to the customer and just use the update field for ICT use. Thanks!
  5. Thanks all, I will await the developments that Steve mentioned with interest. An opt in/out email solution sounds good.
  6. Hi all! a few of our users have asked if it is possible for them to be notified whenever their calls are updated by a service desk analyst (e.g. - we have paused a call while awaiting info from a third party). At the moment, they have to go to the service portal, find their call and open it to see if it has been updated. Any ideas?
  7. tried it but get this error when I apply the metadata.
  8. MIIC5DCCAcygAwIBAgIQEfFTHEQxMK5Khgsqa9iQ/jANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAuMSwwKgYDVQQDEyNBREZTIEVuY3J5cHRpb24gLSBhZGZzLmNvcmJ5Lmdvdi51azAeFw0xODA1MjEwMTA4MjhaFw0xOTA1MjEwMTA4MjhaMC4xLDAqBgNVBAMTI0FERlMgRW5jcnlwdGlvbiAtIGFkZnMuY29yYnkuZ292LnVrMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAuxl2bf2UptsK2o1XyTsQE6DEuJ55eViCBt33327jabqUrMTw This looks like it - but when I apply it I get an error!
  9. hi Victor! Problem is that I don't know which part of that massive xml file to copy into the SSO!
  10. Hi. Our SSO certificate has expired and the steps that we followed last year (Victor *** was really helpful) haven't worked. I have identified the xml file on our adfs server but when I download it the results are nothing like the data I expect to import to the SSO. Please see attached. Hope someone can advise, the natives are restless! FederationMetadata.xml
  11. Hi All sorry for the delay in getting back. One of our network guys had made a change (as some suspected!) - all ok when he reversed it!
  12. Hi James - thanks for the above. New issue this morning is that no one can access the service portal. ADFS is running ok, and we haven't changed any settings here. Wonder if you can advise?
  13. Further info - if I restart the BPM the call progresses ok, but there is still something wrong if I'm getting an error on every call raised.
  14. My mistake - what seems to happen is that the error appears whenever I access a new call for the first time or two, then it disappears. Bit anooying!
  15. Oops! Looks like the error has rectified itself - maybe I tried accessing our instance before the upgrade had completed! Sorry.
  16. Hi - we have just upgraded our instance and now receive the attached error on calls raised since then. Can someone advise? Thanks!
  17. Sorry to take so long replying Bob! The issue was sorted very quickly once I raised it on the forum, so thanks!
  18. Hi - we are receiving the attached error when attempting to access calls on Hornbill. No one here has made any changes so it has us perplexed. Any suggestions?
  19. Thanks Conor - found the tab you mentioned and the new asset displayed!
  20. Hi, hope someone can advise! We have been unable to upload assets from our database using the conf.json - for reasons to numerous to mention. Not all that big a deal as we are a relatively small organisation. However, when adding assets such as pc's service tags, model etc I would like this information to be displayed on the Service Desk when the assets user logs a call with us. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  21. Two new colleagues have both asked the same question today - why are some calls on the display highlighted in a pale yellow? I've noticed it before myself but never really given it a thought! Thanks.
  22. Thanks to all for their input , much appreciated! I know this sounds dumb, but yesterday I had the ability to drill into a role and see the rights and today I can't see where they were.
  23. Hi Martin - thanks for your reply. I'm assuming that you created the 'close incidents' role yourselves as it isn't an option on Hornbill administration. I've had a look just now at creating a new role, are there any pointers you can give me towards creating it properly?
  24. Hi. We have a new manager who has requested some changes to the way we do things - not completely unexpected! What I want to do is prevent all but three of the team from being able to close down Service Requests and Incidents - we are happy for the other agents to resolve calls but we only want team leaders to be able to close them. I have already looked at the roles assigned to each agent, I think it may be a matter of removing those affected from the Incident Manager/ Service Request user roles and just leaving them as assignees. Any suggestions?
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