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Auto-Task that works for Multiple Boards?


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Good Morning All,


I'm trying to make an auto-task that removes board entries for cancelled requests and while I've got it to work for a specific board, I was wondering if there was a way to program the auto task to collect the board name automatically from the request so this feature can be used for multiple boards.


Many thanks in advance for your insights and assistance.


Martin Mensah


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If the autotask is launched from a custom button on a card or from a Board automation trigger, the boardId will be passed as an inputParam to the autotask so can use that to specify which board to use




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Posted (edited)

Hello Trevor,


Yes the auto-task is launched via a custom button, however, the board ID and the Card Id do not appear as global inputs, I've attempted to use the code manually, but I'm still encountering the same problems



Is there a specific node or nodes  i should place before trying this again?

Edited by mmensah
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I think that custom button is on the request page, the board ID and card Id inputs are available if you create the autotask in Boardmanager and call it from the BoardManager Board page.



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