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[Supported API Request] slcUpdate

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Good afternoon,

I would like to request for a supported API that will allow updating the Service Level Calendar (Working Time Calendar) in Hornbill.

Application: Core
Entity: SLC
Name: slcUpdate

Request Parameters:

Response Parameters:

  • status <string>
  • exceptionName <string>
  • exceptionSummary <string>

Use case:

To allow the automated updates of the Service Level Calendar via an external process.


Here is an example of a PowerShell script that can be set to run on Task Scheduler yearly, which currently works.

Note - I've selected Python as the code formatting as there isn't a PowerShell option.

# Initialize the last loaded time to a time far in the past
if (-not $lastLoaded)
	$lastLoaded = [DateTime]::MinValue

# Check if data is not loaded or more than 30 minutes have passed since last run
if (-not $loaded -or ((Get-Date) - $lastLoaded).TotalMinutes -gt 30)

    # Load the Hornbill API Config
	. '\\<SERVER NAME>\c$\<FOLDER>\Hornbill\Config\Hornbill_API_Config.ps1'

    # Load bank holidays from Gov UK JSON file
    $bankHolidays = (Invoke-WebRequest 'https://www.gov.uk/bank-holidays.json').content | ConvertFrom-Json

	# Update the last loaded time
	$lastLoaded = Get-Date
	$loaded = $true

# Extract the events for England and Wales, convert the date string to DateTime object, and sort by date
$bankHoliday_govUK = $bankHolidays.'england-and-wales'.events | ForEach-Object {
		Title = $_.title
		Date  = [DateTime]$_.date
		Note  = $_.notes
} | Sort-Object Date

# Define the Working Hours
$startTime = '08:00:00'
$endTime = '16:59:59'

# Set the days of the week for the Service Desk Default Calendar
# NOTE: 
# 	Days must be the first 3 letters. Add/Remove according to the open days/hours
$daysOfWeek = @('mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri')

Add-HB-Param 'slcName' 'ServiceDeskDefaultCalendar'
Add-HB-Param 'timeZone' 'GMT Standard Time'
# Open the Working Timne element
Open-HB-Element 'workingTime'

	# Iterate through each day of the week
    foreach ($day in $daysOfWeek)
      	# Open the element associated with that day of the week
        Open-HB-Element $day
      		# Add the Start and End times
            Add-HB-Param 'start' "$startTime"
            Add-HB-Param 'end' "$endTime"
        Close-HB-Element $day
Close-HB-Element 'workingTime'

# Iterate through each bank holiday from GOV UK
foreach ($holiday in $bankHoliday_govUK)
	# Skip standard holidays
	if ($holiday.Title -like '*Christmas*' -or `
		$holiday.Title -like '*Boxing*' -or `
		$holiday.Title -like '*New Year*' -and (-not $holiday.Note) )
      	# Skip the standard holiday dates if there is no note on it

	# Open the "exclusion" element
	Open-HB-Element 'exclusion'

        # Add the day, month, year, and comment parameters
        Add-HB-Param 'day' $holiday.Date.Day
        Add-HB-Param 'month' $holiday.Date.Month
        Add-HB-Param 'year' $holiday.Date.Year
  		# If the holiday has a note (ie. Substitute Day)
        if ($holiday.Note)
          	# Append the Note to the end of the comment
            Add-HB-Param 'comment' "$($holiday.Title) ($($holiday.Note))"
          	# Just use the comment
            Add-HB-Param 'comment' $holiday.Title

	# Close the "exclusion" element
	Close-HB-Element 'exclusion'

Invoke-HB-XMLMC 'time' 'slcUpdate'

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