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[Supported API Request] assetSharedUsersRemove

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Good afternoon,

I would like to request for a supported API that will unlink one or more "Shared Users" to a given "Asset ID". 

Application: Service Manager
Entity: Assets
Name: assetSharedUsersRemove

Request Parameters:

  • assetId <string/number> <required>
  • userId <string array> <required>

Response Parameters:

  • userRemovedCount <string/number>
  • exceptionName <string>
  • exceptionSummary <string>


Samuel Wood

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Use case:

  1. We run external PowerShell scripts that goes through the databases for multiple Applications on the estate.
  2. We run automatically these to check if the users still exist in Active Directory, as well as doing other checks for example if there is no email address etc. The outputs of these checks are a HTML file that gets logged into Hornbill via the Email Routing rules and assigned to the relevant team for that Application.
  3. If a User does not exist in Active Directory and are inactive in the Application but is still a "Shared" user against the Asset in Hornbill, then the process also removes the User to the Asset in Hornbill. This is also done via the Business Process as well during our Movers and Leaver processes.
  4. Currently, there are no supported API's related to Shared Users against Assets, we are currently using the old API's for these processes.
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