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getUserDetailsFromEmail - How to format the emailAddress for queryParams?

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Thank you. When adding that column filter I do unfortunately end up with zero Requests returned for a query that returns data without the filter.

May we amend which columns are searchable for an entity in our configuration?

Or could you suggest another way I might filter Requests?
I don't believe the API response includes the service id or name for each Request, so I did not spot a way to filter on the client side.

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@Steve Giller The API key I'm using does not have permission to invoke data::entityGetBrowseMetaData. Would you be able to advise which option I need to ask my colleague to enable to allow me to do that, please?

Although, if that reveals that both h_fk_serviceid and h_fk_servicename are not searchable, what other options would be available to filter based on the service? Our organisation is now using Service Manager for two business areas. I had some success filtering on h_fk_team_id, as the two business areas have team IDs starting with different prefix, but before new Requests are assigned to a team that column value returns a null value.

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I didn't need access to entityGetBrowseMetaData... the response returns a helpful exception...


{"The search column 'h_fk_servicename' is not allowed"}

So, it's just the issue of how to filter by Service ID I still need to solve.

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