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New Update: ESP (3769)

Harry Hornbill

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Hello everyone,

The latest update of ESP (3769) has been released to live.

The change log for this update is as follows:

  • Added support for TOTP two-factor authentication for guest logins
  • Added methods to support TOTP for Microsoft and Google authenticator apps.
  • API Keys now support rules that can restrict key use by IP Address
  • Added utility operation to return the IP address the Hornbill service is seeing for our API calls
  • Added utility::geoip to get geo location information from an IP address
  • Its now possible to create a user account without specifying a direct login password. In this case, the account will not be able to be directly logged into
  • You can now specify an expression to dynamically control when a webhook is triggered.
  • A new WebHook option has been added, which allows you to use JSON native datatype values in the webhook record payload
  • There is a new WebHook option that allows you to include unmodified record fields in webhook payload
  • The operation admin::userApiKeyGet has been extended to allow getting keys for all users
  • System was not correctly identifying the caller IP for SAML/SSO authorization requests
  • Fixed problem with API expired state not being changed after updating expiry date
  • admin::keysafeGetTypeInfo is defined as taking multiple typeId parameters
  • BPM access control did not correctly filter the workflow list when access was granted to specified Role or Group
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