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How can I retrieve the catalog id for a BPM?

Ieuan Payne IPO

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Hi Leuan,

This may depend on the API that you are using.  I'm guessing that you are using an API for creating a new request and as part of that, you are trying to start a BPM workflow?  The catalog id will relate to a column within the h_itsm_service_catalog table.   If you know the name of the request catalog item that you want to raise the request under, you should be able to use the Database Direct tool in the Admin Console to get the catalog ID.  Let me know if this is what you are looking for.. or if it was something else.  


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Hi Leuan,

If you are familiar with the setting up of a Service in Service Manager, under the request configuration there is a section for Request Catalog Items.  On each Request Catalog Item you can associate a BPM Workflow.  I would start with confirming if the BPM Workflow is set against the Request Catalog Item that you are expecting to us it.  Let me know if you need any help with that.


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