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The latest build of Hornbill Project Manager (307) has been released to live.

Change Log for this release are as follows:


  • It is now possible to see all associated tasks to a milestone when viewing an individual project milestone
  • Added checklist functionality to project tasks


  • It is now possible to change the dependent task a project task is associated to once the project task has been created
  • It is now possible to change the milestone a project task is associated to once the project task has been created
  • Project Task layout has been changed
  • When editing a project task, the layout has changed
  • Project Template layout has been adjusted in preparation for upcoming features and to fit additional related data within each tab (10 records instead of 5)
  • Project RAG Tolerance Status descriptions are now displayed as tooltips when hovering over the relevant status in both project and programme views


  • Missing translation strings for project rag tolerances
  • Some users were unable to select a project stakeholder when recording time spent against a project task
  • There was an issue when using decision nodes to branch on progressive capture which meant the desired route was not always followed correctly
  • The Business Process Heads Up Display was not always loaded correctly when viewing a project
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