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Posts posted by Everton1878

  1. When adding another customer as a connection is it possible for the call to show in the portal for that employee too?

    We've not gone live with the customer portal yet so I haven't had chance to test this but when I was speaking to Daniel Riley he thinks it doesn't currently do this

    We often get users copying in other users on calls and maybe their managers

    It would be good if they could all have visibility of the call

    kind regards,


  2. We have our calls automatically updated if an email comes into the mailbox containing the call reference

    However if that email contains embedded images they don't appear in the attachments section or in the timeline

    Also, when sending an email to a user you can't imbed an image like you can in the update call section, you have to save the image and add it as an attachment

    I would need to test if an attachment is added onto the call if it arrives via an update email


    kind regards,


  3. We have an activity that is generated when we resolve a call, it sets a timer of 5 days to close the call if there has been no closure by the customer

    These notifications to the call owner are a waste, the only thing I've really thought of is to change the setting from task owner to admin so the admin user gets them all instead

  4. I've noticed that we I update a call that I'm assigned that it goes yellow in my request list

    I like the notification for when someone else updates a call or when it is updated via email but it's a bit confusing when it shows for an update that I've just done on it

    Is there a way you can supress it when the owner is the same as the person that did the update?



  5. We've just gone live on Service Manager and one of the teams has just raised the issue of not being able to action multiple calls at once

    Sometimes we will get different people raising the same issue, I know there are better ways of handling this in Service Manager with new calls but that team still has a lot of old calls they'd like to clean up

    It would also be useful when there has been an issue with one of our systems and there are multiple calls to close at once with the same resolution

  6. I spoke to one of my colleagues this morning and he had changed one of the progressive captures

    Does that wipe it out in all the catalogue items so you have to select it again?

    The capture didn't get set inactive at any time

    It looks as though the other catalogue items that use different progressive captures are still ok

    We've just tried making a change on another progressive capture and that didn't wipe it out against the catalogue

  7. I applied two updates to Service Manager today, the second one seems to have wiped out the progressive captures set against each of the catalogue items

    Has anyone else experienced this?

    We're looking to go live next week but we can't have an update knocking out these settings especially when we start getting users to use the service portal

  8. Hi,

    Could a change be made to give the option of making the closure profiles mandatory when an IT person is closing/resolving a call?

    We use these profiles for reporting and in SupportWorks you could make it mandatory and also set the minimum level to use. We had it set at 2 levels

    We've created all the same profiles in Service Manager and will be instructing the IT teams to complete this step but some are bound not forget which will cause problems with how we currently report on issues

    kind regards,


  9. I've been doing some more testing with the Asset Import Utility and it now seems to be duplicating entries rather than updating the ones that already exist

    It wasn't doing this when I first started testing it a few weeks ago, I've now got 3 entries per machine

    Has anything changed in Service Manager recently that may have caused this?

    I would have thought that it would look at the machine name as being a primary key and not allow duplicates



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