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Everything posted by mojahidm

  1. Hi, Would it be possible to make the custom fields visible on the Customer Portal? Ideally, we would want this to be configurable For instance, if we wanted 'Custom A' to be visible, but 'Custom D' not to be visible
  2. Hi I've got a ticket where 'Custom D' is being used as the 'Internal Ref'. I've entered the value: ITEST-123 But when I search in the Requests Search Bar: The ticket with the 'Internal Ref.' is not returned in the search list Nor is it returned in the Quick Filter However, when using the advanced filter, the ticket is returned: The main thing that we're after is making it so that the Internal Ref (Custom D) field can be searchable
  3. Thank you @Steve Giller :-) Is there any way of changing the name of 'Custom D' to 'Internal Ref' in the backend or the main settings? I know easily that 'Custom D' field represents the 'Internal Ref' field, but for the general user, they will be confused and not know which one to select
  4. Please note the above screenshots show Service specific sub-status, but this would also be relevant for Global Sub-statuses
  5. Hi, Currently, if the 'Reason Required' and the 'Pause Until Date/Time' are enabled Then the 'Reason' textbox becomes mandatory: This is different to when the 'Reason Required' is enabled and the 'Pause Until Date/Time' is not Is it possible to make it so that if both 'Reason Required' and 'Pause Until Date/Time' are enabled, for the 'Reason' field to not be mandatory?
  6. Just to add, ideally it would be visible in the box highlighted below:
  7. Hi, Is it possible to make the 'External Reference' field visible on the Customer Portal? Is there a configuration setting anywhere that would let us decide whether or not we want our External Customers to be able to view the 'External Reference' field? Kind regards - Mojahid
  8. Hi, Currently we are using the field 'Custom D' as a Internal Ref field It may already be possible, but did you know where we can change the name of 'Custom D' to 'Internal Ref'? Below are the locations we would potentially need to see the new name: Creating a View: Adding a Column to a View: In the Quick Filter: Many Thanks - Mojahid
  9. RFE Request Currently, when creating a new Contact, our system is configured to have the Email address as the unique field identifier (Therefore, no two contacts would have the same email address) We would like to make the Logon ID the unique field and if the Email already exists in our system, then a pop-up or message to appear to let us know that this email address is already in the system. The message would also indicate if the Contact has been Archived
  10. Hi, We're having some difficulty when it comes to differentiating Catalog Item 'Ask a Question' Vs Catalog Items that require small changes. We work with external customers and within the external customers, there are certain individuals who are authorised to request changes to be made For instance, if a new user needs to be created, there is a 'Manage User(s)' CI, but only certain individuals have access to view this from the Customer Portal. Some external customers are raising the 'Ask a Question' CI and as Analysts at the other end, it's not noticed that the customer has raised the incorrect CI and the changes are being made when they shouldn't be Does anyone have any ideas on how we can make the difference between SR CIs obvious? One idea that was put forward was to have different coloured SLAs, as the SLA for 'Ask a Question' is different to the SLA for 'Manage User(s)' Kind regards, Mojahid
  11. Hi, when a ticket comes off of hold automatically, it will not update the 'Last Updated' column For instance, I put a ticket on hold until 10th March, 2020. The ticket comes off hold and within the 'Request List' rather then being one of the first tickets at the top, we have to scroll down to see it. The 'Request List' is ordered by the 'Last Updated' column Is this expected behaviour? A User raised this and advised that this did not used to occur Kind regards, Mojahid
  12. Hi @ArmandoDM the icon is clickable and I can see the subscribers to this particular CI, but the issue is that we need a read only role for other users who want to see this We don't want them to have the full access that I have, but we do want them to be able to click on this icon and see who is subscribed to this CI Kind regards, Mojahid
  13. Hi, Currently we have particular contacts that are subscribed to certain Catalog Items These contacts are known as Service Requestors and can view certain SR Catalog Items, whereas other contacts within the same organisation won't be able to view these SR CIs unless they are added as Service Requestors For example, we have a SR CI for requesting changes to a website. This can only be requested via certain individuals within an organisation (please note we primarily work with external organisations) The issue we're having is that we can't easily identify who these Service Requestors are after they have been added onto the system Is there a role (or can there be) that is read-only and allows users to view the SR CI's subscriber visibility?
  14. Hi, Was there any update with regards to this one? Kind regards, Mojahid
  15. Currently, when all tickets come off hold and the analyst it's assigned to hasn't yet opened it, the tickets have a yellowy-orange colour. We'd like there to be some colour coding added to the off hold process, especially for when calls come off hold following a customer email, or a customer update via self-service.There's no preference regarding the colour, but if the colour was different for these scenarios, this functionality would really help us determine which calls need to be prioritised. Our queues tend to have a large volume of tickets and the reasoning behind this request is to better manage the workload
  16. Hi, when creating a custom button, is it possible to have an option where if you click the custom button instead of a new tab opening, the URL would open in the same tab For instance, we have created a 'Mailbox' button that when clicked opens up a new tab and directs you to the Mailbox. However, the old tab is still present. When you're logging one ticket after another, it would be easier to work within the same tab, rather than end up with a large amount of tabs We were thinking if there was an option that could let you choose whether or not you wanted for the button to create a new tab or open in the same tab would be ideal
  17. Thank you @Martyn Houghton I've tried to have another go at this, but no data was returned when I ran the SQL query. I managed to narrow down the issue to the h_sm_catalog_subs_exclusions.h_catalog_id I jigged the SQL I had to try to figure out if the h_sm_catalog_subs_exclusions.h_catalog_id matches up to the h_itsm_service_catalog.h_id, but it doesn't appear to SELECT hsc.h_firstname, hsc.h_pk_id, hsc.h_email_1, hisc.h_id, hisc.h_catalog_title, hiss.h_fk_subscriberid, hscse.h_subscriber_id, hscse.h_catalog_id FROM h_itsm_servicesubscriptions hiss JOIN h_sys_contact hsc ON hsc.h_pk_id = hiss.h_fk_subscriberid AND hiss.h_subscribertype = 'Contact' JOIN h_itsm_service_catalog hisc ON hisc.h_service_id = hiss.h_fk_serviceid and hisc.h_catalog_title = 'Manage Users and Terminals' and hiss.h_fk_serviceid = 28 JOIN h_sm_catalog_subs_exclusions hscse ON hsc.h_pk_id = hscse.h_subscriber_id and hscse.h_subscriber_type = 'Contact' ORDER BY hsc.h_firstname The hisc.h_id was different to the hscse.h_cataglog_id Side Note: The hsc.h_pk_id, hiss.h_fk_subscriberid and hscse.h_subscriber_id all match up - so this part is good :-)
  18. Hi @Steve Giller Were you referring to the following: I thought it might be this, but I still get notifications for the documents...
  19. Hi, I'm struggling a bit with disabling the below notification It's one that I keep getting from a document that is refreshed from a report refreshing Does anyone have any ideas on how to stop this notification from occurring?
  20. Thank you @Martyn Houghton I decided to forgo the organization info and strip it to the bare necessities to make it easier I've now got the below: SELECT hsc.h_firstname, hsc.h_pk_id, hsc.h_email_1, hisc.h_catalog_title FROM h_itsm_servicesubscriptions hiss JOIN h_sys_contact hsc ON (hsc.h_pk_id = hiss.h_fk_subscriberid AND hiss.h_subscribertype = 'Contact') JOIN h_itsm_service_catalog hisc ON hisc.h_service_id = hiss.h_fk_serviceid and hisc.h_catalog_title = 'Manage Users and Terminals' and hiss.h_fk_serviceid = 28 Which gives me all subscribers to the serviceid 28, but I'm stuck on how to get a list of the subscribers that can view a particular CI (such as a SR CI called 'Manage Users and Terminals' I can't figure out which table might hold the data for which contact can and cannot view a particular CI...
  21. Hi, I'm trying to find a way to pull out all contacts/organizations/etc... who have visibility to a particular catalog item I saw this on the forums: SELECT h_sys_contact.h_firstname, h_sys_contact.h_lastname, h_sys_contact.h_email_1, h_sys_organizations.h_organization_name, h_itsm_services.h_servicename FROM h_itsm_servicesubscriptions JOIN h_container ON h_container.h_id = h_itsm_servicesubscriptions.h_fk_subscriberid JOIN h_sys_organizations ON h_sys_organizations.h_organization_id = h_container.h_type_id JOIN h_itsm_services ON h_itsm_services.h_pk_serviceid = h_itsm_servicesubscriptions.h_fk_serviceid JOIN h_sys_contact ON h_sys_contact.h_organization_id = h_sys_organizations.h_organization_id WHERE h_itsm_servicesubscriptions.h_fk_serviceid = 113 Which is almost what I want, but I need it at the catalog item level I've tried joining table h_itsm_service_catalog, but I'm getting contacts that I'm not expecting So far I have this: SELECT h_sys_contact.h_firstname, h_sys_contact.h_lastname, h_sys_contact.h_email_1, h_sys_organizations.h_organization_name, h_itsm_services.h_servicename, hisc.h_id, hisc.h_catalog_title, h_sys_contact.h_pk_id, h_itsm_servicesubscriptions.h_pk_id, h_itsm_servicesubscriptions.h_fk_subscriberid FROM h_itsm_servicesubscriptions JOIN h_container ON h_container.h_id = h_itsm_servicesubscriptions.h_fk_subscriberid JOIN h_sys_organizations ON h_sys_organizations.h_organization_id = h_container.h_type_id JOIN h_itsm_services ON h_itsm_services.h_pk_serviceid = h_itsm_servicesubscriptions.h_fk_serviceid JOIN h_sys_contact ON h_sys_contact.h_organization_id = h_sys_organizations.h_organization_id JOIN h_itsm_service_catalog hisc ON hisc.h_service_id = h_itsm_services.h_pk_serviceid and hisc.h_catalog_title = 'Manage Users and Terminals' WHERE h_itsm_servicesubscriptions.h_fk_serviceid = 28 and h_request_type = 'Service Request' I tried to trace where the issue might be. I found that within the h_itsm_servicesubscriptions table the above h_pk_id has h_fk_serviceid of 28, but it shouldn't... Could I confirm the following: h_pk_id = h_sys_contacts.h_pk_id h_fk_serviceid = h_itsm_services.h_pk_serviceid
  22. Hi Team, Would it be possible to add the 'Is Analyst Unread' option as a criteria in the 'Create New View'? As you can imagine, with a high work volume, it can be extremely helpful when you can break the work up and organise it. For instance, filtering out by h_isanalystunread, and then ordering it from oldest to newest for 'last updated' or by when the ticket was logged Kind regards, Mojahid
  23. Thanks @James Ainsworth I believe we already publish to the document manager. The query was more with regards to tidying up standard reports themselves that were no longer required, but there was a hesitancy on deleting it. I think we'll likely wait for a few months more and then just delete the reports :-) Kind regards, Mojahid
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