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Service Manager 2.33 release available


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Dear all


This morning we released our new version of Service Manager 2.33. This is now available for you to update in Hornbill app store. Below is a list of changes and fixes introduced by this version:


NEW: Users of the Customer and Service portals can now see all of their requests in one place
NEW: When selecting a Service in Progressive Capture, the list will now be filtered by both the customer and the person raising the request
NEW: The name and description of a Service are now translatable
NEW: The status of a service is now visible in Progressive Capture, the request list and in the details of a request
NEW: You can now capture the time spent on a request against each action (requires Timesheet Manager)
CHANGE: The Vendor details of an asset can now be updated on import
CHANGE: Services with long titles and short descriptions will now show the 'Show More' option
FIX: If you try to use a newly created Progressive Capture, it was not always available
FIX: Can now sort the list of assets by state
FIX: Request and Closure categories were not updated in real time
FIX: Clicking on a Service when using the global search in the portals would cause the page to time out
FIX: Views with the 'Resolved By Team' condition would not return an results
FIX: You could not provide a resolution category for a request that had a status of New
FIX: Could not use request templates if the template included a default asset
FIX: When viewing the requests against an Organisation, you can see requests that you should not be able to see (dependent on team/service)
FIX: Progressive Capture not found when using progressive capture created after initial log request load
FIX: Superfluous limit on decimal digits in asset form
FIX: No way to provide feedback 1 day after the feedback is requested for a request
FIX: Missing param error in log file
FIX: Logged Date shown in UTC instead of users timezone on Service Portal request list
FIX: Issue with parsing of datetime value in the request list for h_datelogged
FIX: The query 'getRequestFiltered' is open to mysql injection
FIX: When you click through to a service in the portals, you have to press the back button twice to get to the list of services again
FIX: If you delete a priority, any requests with the priority will now show as having no priority
FIX: Default text for some translation strings missing from export buttons
FIX: On request details Response/Resolution Completed timers are incorrect
FIX: Inconsistencies in Timeline entries when applying a customer email to a request
FIX: When assigning a request through the mobile app, the analyst is ignored
FIX: When raising a request in the portals, the selected catalog item is not shown in the breadcrumbs
FIX: Priority now filtered in ascending order in the portals the same as it is in the main user app for progressive capture flows

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PATCH 2.33.4


This patch addresses an issue affecting performance and availability of certain instances following update to release 2.33. The affected instances have been notified the patch needs to be applied. If you did not receive a notification about applying the patch you can still apply the update but it will not affect current functionality.

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PATCH 2.33.5


This patch addresses two issues:

- users subscribed to a service via "Organisation" or "Department" do not have access to that subscribed service and requests raised against the service when using the portals.

- site search/filtering no longer working during progressive capture.

If your instance is affected by these issues please apply this update/patch to have this fixed.

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